Sunday, June 20, 2010

Top 5 Comments

With the load that I'm carrying and the little army I'm sporting around with me, I definitely get some comments while out. Like I've said before...this doesn't bother me. In fact, it mostly makes me laugh and generally people are really kind. But just for fun, I thought I'd post the top five comments that I've received repeatedly over the last few months in honor of only having five days left.

Top 5 Comments

1. Are they all yours? This is surprisingly something that I get asked quite a bit. I guess it makes some logical sense in the day of daycare and blended families but, every time I'm asked this I just laugh. Of course they're all mine. I know people don't mean to come across weird but, it does imply some funny things when someone asks that question and really, I don't know these people who are talking to me. But like I said, it always makes me laugh pretty well, awkward or not.

2. You must have your hands full. This one is pretty typical and I know some moms get annoyed by this one. But seriously, if I really think about how I must look to other people, I can see why someone would make that comment to me. Yes, my hands are full. But so is my heart, my home and my life. It's not necessarily bad to have your hands full. In fact, for me, it keeps me out of trouble. Busyness is a great cure for bad behavior that creeps in when one is too idle. Check out Titus 2:5. So I always smile really big and just say, "Yes...but they're great kids and I really like them."

3. You're done after this one...right? This one is hilarious and partly comes from where I live. I live in one of the most liberal areas of California and there are a lot of population overcrowding groupies here. They love to hate people like me. And they don't mind making it clear to me that I need to do my part and help curb population growth. The problem I see with these people is that they're not going to have anyone to carry on their beliefs to the next generation because they're not having any children or are having very little children. While people like us, who think children are a blessing, are having tons of them. Hmmmm....enough said.

4. They're all so close together. I like this one because I usually end up explaining the ages of my children and that yes, they are fairly close together. We haven't actually planned it that way but it's just what has happened. As a result of my response, sometimes I get really funny and interesting stories from other people. One lady proceeded to tell me her whole pregnancy history and ovulation patterns. Ovulation patterns!! I don't feel the need to give strangers that much information about myself but sometimes people just want to share their experiences. At times people are unkind with this one (giving me a look like, "Didn't your mother teach you how this all works? Ummm...yes, I do know and I would think my swollen belly would communicate that fact.) But most of the time, people are just curious why on earth we would decide to have children all close together like we have. I have to admit, sometimes we ask ourselves that question so, it's not unreasonable. I'm not always sure myself but I do know that we're getting the baby stuff all over with at one time and that later they'll all be close friends. So, this comment always makes for a lively conversation.

5. Please tell me, is this one a girl? This one is my absolute favorite and it's the one I get most often. In fact, probably five times more than any of the others right now. And the greatest part is that when I tell them that yes, it is a girl, people that I don't know whatsoever literally cheer, laugh, and almost reach out and hug me they're so happy for me. It is so, so fun. It's like my "situation" makes their day. Some tell me that they have three boys and should've gone for a fourth. Others tell me about some relative/friend that is just like me. Others look so relieved for me. And some just grin and giggle all silly like they just won the lottery or something. No matter what, it's like I have my own cheering section right in the middle of Safeway. It's just plain fun. I'm glad that us having a girl can bring some joy to others because it certainly makes me smile.

Only five days left.


  1. Hi Nikki, I am a random lurker to your blog. I found yours through Jenny Fugler's, who I went to college with (although we didn't know one another except thru our mutual faith in Christ). I have really enjoyed reading your recent countdowns and your birth stories. I am pregnant with our first child (after having a miscarriage a year ago), and will be having a c-section on Thursday because our baby is breech and not budging. I have enjoyed reading your birth stories, specifically yours about your first c-section since it is a similar situation to mine. Thank you for sharing!! Praise God for your little ones, and I hope your own c-section on Friday goes smoothly! Our babies will be a day apart! (we do not know if we are having a boy or girl, although I say girl :) I just wanted to say hello since it seems we have a lot in common, especially this week!

  2. I love how you don't get annoyed. I also think that the "hand's full" comment isn't a bad one but just a observation of a situation. LOTS of times I feel like I have my hands full and I only have one! But, yes, my heart and home are full too. Love your attitude - such an inspiration.

  3. Amber,
    I'm so glad you posted a comment!! Welcome. What fun that our little ones will just be a day apart! I'm sorry that you've had a breech. I know that can be really frustrating. I'm sure you've tried tons of stuff but you could check out for some exercises if you still wanted to try and get that baby to turn. I've had so many troubles with breech babies and certainly know how you feel. In fact, ironically, this little girl is the ONLY one who has stayed head down and hasn't given me any grief in that area. Best of luck to you on Thursday. I'll be thinking of you on Thursday and will pray that all goes well.

  4. Hi Nikki - It was confirmed a few weeks ago that our baby was breech (and I had a feeling for awhile before that). I tried some things from Spinning Babies; decided against an ECV; and within a few days, just got too emotionally stressed about it all, so I gave up on 'trying stuff' (in a good way) and decided just to plan for the CS if Baby doesn't turn on its own before then. Although a c-section isn't ideal, I know it's the only way out for this baby (at least at our hospital), and I am trusting God with the doctors' skill and with my healing. I am a big planner, so it's been nice to have the birthday on the calendar too! I will be looking forward to your news soon (although I probably won't be checking right on Friday since we'll still be in the hospital). Like Jenny said, I love your attitude, and I'm sure God has done a lot through you through your birth experiences. Thank you for sharing! It's been nice to read your stories to have an idea of what to expect! Bless you.

  5. Nikki,
    Hello again! Its funny that so many of us moms here in Santa Cruz get the same comments. Although, I do not get the one about being close together and I got the opposite while preggo with Adam. "This ones a boy,right?" or "were you trying for a boy?" So funny! Know you are in good company my friend. You are such a wonderful mother and I feel blessed to be able to see you weekly with your sweet little ones.

  6. Oh, how I love #3! And your list is adorable. I too used the Breast Friend and loved it!
