Monday, May 11, 2009

A Wrestling Match

I've wrestled for sometime with blogging. Everyone does it. Why don't I do it? I mean, I'm an English Major; I spent my first couple years out of college writing for a non-profit social work agency in San Luis Obispo and was their main Editor. I've always been a writer. What's my problem? Why haven't I done this already? Well, for one, I have been a bit busy over the last four years having three boys all a year and a half apart and to be honest, I didn't really think I had much that was that interesting to write about. Nevertheless, I've wrestled and here it is. I've jumped into the blog world. I have no idea what I'll post about or even how often I'll post and I don't even want to tell you how long it took Steve and I to come up with a name but...I'll do my best. My three main loves in life are first of all my God and Savior Jesus Christ who is the author of my faith, then my husband and three boys-the laughter of my life, and lastly my love for cooking and baking. This blog will reflect all of these facets of myself and some others as well I'm sure. God is always faithful, my husband and children are a joy to me and sharing food with others is a lifelong hobby and source of pleasure as well. To God be the glory and may all I choose to write about reflect His goodness and pleasure!!

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