Proudly we announce Nathan Daniel's birth! He was born yesterday morning bright and early at 8 lbs 1.6 oz and 20 inches. All aspects of the c-section went as well as they could go. He came out screaming and very pink. My pain was minimal and I even slept the night before! God was so gracious to us and provided for all of our needs.
The name Nathan means, "God Has Given". When we found out we were having another boy, we rejoiced and said, "God has given us another son to add to our many!" So that is the main reason we chose that name. God has also blessed us with many things we did not expect this year so Nathan was fitting for this time in our lives and family. Daniel means "God is my Judge". Along with many blessings this year, there were also many difficulties. We often found ourselves wading through these times knowing that God is our Judge and that we seek to please Him, not others. So that's where his middle name came from.
Now back to the story...
When we showed up, we saw Ginger, who was Caleb's labor and delivery nurse. I've never forgotten her and the kindness she showed while I was in labor with him. She was really special. I didn't see her with Joshua's birth. However, when Elliana was born, she had remembered me and came specifically to prep me for her surgery. This time, she made sure to show up and chat with us for awhile as another nurse prepped me. Seeing her smile immediately relaxed me.
There was also an anesthesiologist that I met during my VBAC consult with Josh. He was super funny, warm and kind. I remembered him and I always hoped I'd get him to do my spinal. The spinal is the scariest part of the whole thing for me for some reason. It's also the only time in the process that I have to be on my own. Steve isn't allowed into the operating room until that part is over.
In the past, I've had anesthesiologists who struggled with gentleness. So I always pray that whoever shows up will at least make me feel comfortable since it's my least favorite part. After mentioning to our nurse that I really hoped that doctor would do my spinal, she said it was unlikely since there are 15 of them who rotate in and out. However, a few minutes later, he walked through the door with a bowtie on, grinning from ear to ear. After talking with him for a bit, we discovered he is a Christian. I felt so comfortable with him doing the spinal and it went off without a hitch. As an added bonus, he busted out the classic, old school Newsboys, once Nathan was born. It was hilarious.
I didn't get to hold Nathan right away. But while they were sewing me up, I started getting a pretty bad headache so the thought of holding him was pretty far from my mind. I got uncomfortable quick! They gave me some medicine in my IV and within a few minutes I was doing much better. A couple of minutes after that, I was headed back to the postpartum room, Nathan was on his way from getting cleaned up and I was able to nurse him within twenty minutes of being born! I think that's the fastest I've ever gotten any of our c-section babies latched on. I was really, really thankful!
All in all, God has really blessed us here with wonderful family and friends coming in and out. We've been spoiled with watching the Olympics, yummy treats and rest. Both grandparents have been amazing and our kids did really well meeting their new brother. Steve and I have been soaking up the time we're getting with just each other and Nathan. It's been wonderful. And on Sunday, Steve and Isaac's birthday, we'll be going home.
We're thankful. God has given us another son and we are so grateful. Thanks for praying for us. I'm sure the transition to five kids, along with school starting, will be a bit crazy. So keep praying...I'm sure we'll need it!
I loved Ginger too! So did Jessica and Hope. How fun that we had this in common. I love birth stories. Thanks for sharing and I am looking forward to meeting him!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and welcome Nathan!! Glad all went well...hope you have a smooth recovery & adjustment to five!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Dauphin Family!!! We are so happy for you. What a beautiful baby God has bless you with. Can't wait to meet him! :)
ReplyDeleteNikki, congratulations on your new blessing! I am so happy for you guys! In reading this post, I was sure that your anesthesiologist was my dad. I talked to him tonight and confirmed it! I'm so glad that he provided such good care for you, and he was so encouraged by your words. Love, Lizzie hulse
DeleteSteve and I were so completely overcome when we read your comment about your Dad. Wow!! Totally amazing! I actually met your Dad four years ago and he had such a great impression on me that I had remembered him and wanted him to be at Elliana's c-section (although he wasn't). Like I said, I always get scared of the spinal so having a good anesthesiologist is important to me-especially since I don't care to have a c-section in the first place and would much rather labor. On the way in that morning I had mentioned to Steve that it'd be wonderful if your Dad was there since he was so great when I met him and made me feel comfortable. I didn't know his name though. I never would've put that all together. But now that I know, it makes sense. He talked about his daughter who had become an engineer. Never knew at the time, he was talking about you!! Wow...connecting the dots totally blessed us and reminded us how much God cares for even the smallest details. If you and Doug are ever up visiting and have some time, we'd love to see you guys and adorable Kennedy. Much love, Nikki
So thankful for a safe, healthy delivery! I'm sorry I didn't make it to see you guys in the hospital. Can't wait to meet the little guy in person and bring you some yummy food!
ReplyDeleteGlad that I could be of service. I didn't realize that you knew my daughter through LSM and her husband through AGO… total God thing. Numbers 6:24-26. My grand daughter's name means "helmet head".
ReplyDeleteDr. Percival! I cannot believe that Lizzie is your daughter. Although, now that she made the connection for me, it totally makes perfect sense. I'm glad that she figured it out! Yes, we know her and Doug from AGO/LSM and Cal Poly. Steve and I are a tad older than them but, our time definitely still overlapped and we think they're just wonderful. I'm so glad to know all of's such a great reminder how God is always caring for us. I don't like to have c-sections and I get scared of the spinal so, the anesthesiologist is an important part of the process for me. When you were there on Friday, I just instantly relaxed. God was really kind. Hopefully we'll meet again sometime but if we don't, thanks for providing such great care!!
DeleteNikki and Steve, A huge congratulations from our family to yours! Nathan is beautiful. Maybe we will meet him one day.