Today I had the privilege of putting on the first annual Grandparents' Tea at the boys' school. It was actually a tea for any family that wanted to attend but the school especially wanted to honor the grandparents. I had some wonderful help and I must say it all went really well. There were some things we learned (as I knew would be the case) but there weren't any major issues so I can be happy about that! I didn't get many pictures since I was running around making sure things were going okay but I got a few. And I got to video the boys' performances so I was thankful for that.
All in all, it was a splendid day. And afterward my mom came home with me and forced me to take a nap. Good thing she did because it saved my life. Still a couple days left in the week of craziness, but all of us are going to make it. And come Monday, we'll be able to celebrate another Texas A & M semester done and done well.
I'm truly thankful!
Beautiful and a blessing! I knew it would be! Good job, friend!