Well folks, it's been another busy week. Week three is down of the crazy semester and all systems are still a-go. We're starting to find our feet a bit-that includes me and the kids, Steve and the kids, and of course most importantly, the man and me. We're going to get there I tell ya. And we will all survive. It's actually been a bit more doable than I first thought. God's grace has been evident, that's for sure.
We're also starting to think about post-graduate plans as Steve will be graduating in the next year. Now that is much more weighty. And to be honest, in light of our current family load, it is a decision that carries quite a bit with it. I'm trusting God to guide us but, this will probably be one of the bigger decisions we've had to make so far. Good thing we are planners and not spontaneous, impulsive doers. I'd liken us to the government, slow, calculating and needing lots of paperwork (i.e. good evidence, research) to move forward. The only problem is that we can get caught up in the bureaucracy. But that is why we're starting to think/pray and hopefully prepare now. We'll get there in God's timing.
Speaking of paperwork, I finally got our taxes filed today. I was waiting on a few forms and once they came in, I was able to send them off. I just LOVE doing our taxes. I am a CPA's daughter so, it has always been naturally interesting to me. When I was a little girl, I used to use my Dad's tax forms to draw on (the other side was blank) and I lovingly referred to them as my "Taxy Paper." Now I just use TurboTax. It's fast, easy and I love watching the little counter go up as I fill in more information. It's kinda like a slot machine except the end result isn't entirely left up to chance (although with the government you never quite know)...but rather to how many children I have (yeah for lots!!), how much tuition we forked out for the year, etc...Currently, our tax return is our savings account for future tuition payments so, I'll take every penny we can get.
I'm also happy to report that there weren't any bread disasters this week. I remembered the yeast and everything went according to plan. Which was good for my kids because they ate the disfigured bread last week and although it was ugly, they still thought it was all right tasting. Nevertheless, the squeals of joy upon seeing today's loaves were a definite reminder that last week's little mishap didn't quite go unnoticed by them. I was glad to make it up to them.
Today, Joshua and Caleb played two board games together, quietly, for over an hour. This is monumental. I got to take a shower, get ready and prep lunch all before having to drag them out to eat. Those two normally do not get along as well as Isaac and Caleb. But after today, I began to have some hope. Hope for Josh being that he was able to sit down and play a more complicated game with his brother without driving Caleb nuts and hope for Caleb that he was able to be a good big brother and help Josh when he needed it without getting frustrated. Of course, I didn't get a picture of it. Shoot!
Like many families across America we watched the Superbowl yesterday. However, due to Caleb not feeling so well early in the morning (another minor stomach ailment-he was totally fine in a few hours...but will it ever leave?), we had to cancel our plans. We were going to watch it at my parent's house because Steve still needed to finish a shed he had been building for them. It seemed logical to go there, finish the shed, then watch the Superbowl, especially since we don't get a single channel at our house! But with Caleb under the weather, we had to change our strategy. However, since it was last minute, we didn't know what that would be. And I had a big heart struggle about it.
You see, I knew that Steve needed to watch the Superbowl. But I also knew that I couldn't manage another day with him gone for hours and me by myself with the kids-especially when I wasn't expecting it. I knew it wasn't fair. I knew it was bad timing. But the fact of the matter remained the same. I couldn't do it. I mentally couldn't do it. If Caleb wouldn't have been sick, we could've all been together wherever we went. But with him sick, none of the rest of us could go, even to a friend's because nobody would want to be around any of our kids until it was clear they weren't sick too (understandable). I wrestled with it all day and finally fessed up.
Honesty is always the best policy. I explained to Steve my inability to cope with the prospect of another day/evening with him gone and he immediately resolved that he didn't need to watch it (my husband is a football NUT so this was quite chivalrous of him). He was kind, understanding and gentle. I, of course, was relieved. And God rewarded him for his kindness. Steve happened to check online for the game and it turned out that NBC was streaming the game for free and it was excellent quality (a lot of times games streamed online are pretty choppy)! So we all got to huddle in our room in front of the computer, eat Taquitos and Lime Tortilla Chips, typical Superbowl fare, and enjoy the game together. I was so thankful.
And here's another reason for me to be thankful. This little gal just kills me every day. She of course drives me nuts too with always taking her clothes/shoes off, trying to put on new outfits and "go pee pee" on her little toilet all the time (she's not potty-trained...she just wants to be like everyone else). But I love to let her play with my hair-things, necklaces, etc...and she loves it too. For the last 7 years I've had to steer the boys clear of those things, but now I can say with full gusto, "Go to it little girl! See what pretty things are in there. And make yourself beautiful for that is what you are. Beautiful."
Until next time friends...that is today's Monday Report.
Nikki..... you have a mini me in the making with Elli for sure. She looks just like you and what I remember from high school. She will be a heart breaker.Hope that dad is ready for all the boys knocking on the door! Hope that you and the family have a fabulous week!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenny! You are too sweet. Hope you're doing well out there in the cold (I'm secretly envious because I've always wanted to live in the snow)...it's always good to hear from you :).