Just had to show some love...hope this explains my strange affection for the place.
I know I talk about beautiful, amazing Cal Poly a lot. In fact, those of you who aren't alumni, probably think that I'm a bit strange for being so in love with my alma mater. However, I haven't met a Cal Poly alum or student that doesn't LOVE the place, ya know? (They're probably out there somewhere, but I've never met one). We don't even have to know each other. It's like an instant connection. "You went to Poly?" "Yeah." And then there passes a supernatural understanding about how awesome the university is because all who attend there just know...there is a certain affection for the place. Seriously, it's palpable. I don't know why, but it is.

Academically speaking though, there are reasons. Not only is the school located on the Central Coast of California in San Luis Obispo, arguably very near paradise, and perfect in every way as an adorable, little Americana town, but this quaint, polytechnic university boasts some big things. "Learn by Doing" is the mantra of education at Poly and an excellent education is what every student with a diploma at the end of 4-6 years (let's be reasonable here...ha ha) walks out with. For many years, US Newsweek has named Cal Poly one of the top schools on the West coast for the money. And really, it's cheap...really cheap. I also saw an article last night from US Today, posted by another Poly grad, that reminded both Steve and I why Cal Poly is such an AWESOME place to get your undergrad education. It's very difficult to get into but, once in, you're guaranteed an amazing education.
College Acceptance Rates
In the article, Cal Poly ranked 5th, meaning that they accept only 15.9% of the applications they receive every year. They were ranked right behind, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and Columbia. And they beat MIT (my husband's dream school). Take that, you Ivy League Schools. Ha ha!! Did I mention that my education was a fraction of the cost of any of those aforementioned schools?

What's not to love? A superb education, a perfect location, an excellent price, super competitive academics...but best of all for me are the memories:
It's where I met my amazing husband.
And also made some lifelong friends.
So I guess, no matter what, I'd still be biased and think it was the BEST place in the world. Because, well to me, it is.
Ride high, you mustangs. Ride high.
Ha! This is so funny. When I was in H.S. I did everything but beg my parents not to "make me go to C.P." I was so sick of SLO. Now? I wonder what the heck was wrong with me... :)
DeleteI just figured out I can actually reply to people's comments. How lame am I...that only took two years!!
Ha! Well, at least you got to grow up in bee-youtiful SLO. And truly, God had his plans to bring you and Travis together. It's amazing how He weaves our lives isn't it? Blessings my friend!
I love CalPoly and SLO. Im not a student there yet but hopefully Ill get accepted this year!! How could anyone hate it here?!
DeleteWelcome to the blog. I hadn't seen you on here yet so I thought I'd say, "Hi!" And good luck with getting into Poly. I know you'll love it! Take care and hope to keep seeing you on here from time to time!